Wakaya Perfection Review – Make Over 1,000 Monthly From Wakaya Perfection

Are looking for how to make $1,000+ monthly  working from  work?

Where will your next $1,000 come from?

This post on Wakaya Perfection reviews  will be  a guide to you where you next $1,000 can come from.
So I will encourage you to read this review to know and understand what is Wakaya Perfection all about, before you join.

I brainstormed with a friend Timothy Denning ( connect with him on Facebook here) a Wakaya Perfection Ambassador  where he gave  depth information about this new business  opportunity that has been getting  a lot of positive attention lately.

In this post, I have breakdown what you need to know into,

What is Wakaya Perfection?

Wakaya Products.

Compensation Plan.

Bonus and Commission.

How To Join Wakaya Perfection.

Let get started….


             Wakaya is an MLM company who offers organic health supplements, creams, oils, spices, and personal care It was co-founded and run by David H. Gilmour and Todd Smith.
David H. Gilmour bought the island called Wakaya just off the coast of Fiji because he wanted something to keep the economy of the island running and to share its natural healing products to the world. He then sought help from Todd Smith who came onboard with vast MLM and health products experience.

Their domain registration was done in October 2015 and set to expire in October 2017. Looking at their track record it is safe to say that it will be renewed before expiration.

NOTE: Timothy Denning : Would you like to JOIN OUR TEAM. Every day more and more people join, don’t wait and get in right away so you can start learning How To Make as little as $1,000 in extra income per month



Below are 8 hot Wakaya products:

1.       Bula Water Bottles – These are used with their cap system to help with weight loss and detox. 

2.       Slim Caps – You mix these in your bottle to help with weight loss and curb hunger. They cost a little over a dollar for each cap. 

3.       Detox Cap – Made from Bentonite Clay (so weird) to help detoxify. 

4.       ProCaps – Probiotic strands .

5.       Different spices are available like Ginger Power, Turmeric and Sea Salt. 

6.       Bath Spa Collection – Clay Powder with Wakaya Calcium Bentonite clay and Ginger Scrub ($180) 

7.       Weight Loss Program for $195/month and focuses on hydration, nutrition, sleep and exercise.

 8.       Daily Detox Program for $193/month to help detoxify your body


There are many ways provided by Wakaya perfection to compensation their members.

Below are details:

Ambassador Ranks and Rank Qualifications

There are no restrictions on how fast an IBA can move through the ranks. Bonus Ranks are calculated each time bonus is processed. To achieve and maintain rank the IBA must have accomplished the below qualifications during the qualification period.

Independent Business Ambassador (IBA) To achieve the Rank of Independent Business Ambassador you must purchase an Ambassador Welcome Kit.

Independent Business Ambassador Active (IBA Active) To achieve the Rank of Independent Business Ambassador (Active) you must be an IBA and maintain 80 CQV monthly.

Coral Ambassador (CA) To achieve the Rank of Coral Ambassador you must be an IBA, maintain 80 CQV monthly and have 2 Personally Enrolled qualified Independent Business Ambassador (Active)’s or higher.

Jade Ambassador (JA) To achieve the Rank of Jade Ambassador you must be a qualified Coral Ambassador, maintain 150 CQV monthly and have 2 qualified Coral Ambassador legs or higher. In addition you must have at least 1,500 in Group Qualifying Volume (GQV).

Sapphire Ambassador (SA) To achieve the Rank of Sapphire Ambassador you must be a qualified Jade Ambassador, maintain 150 CQV monthly and have 2 Jade Ambassador legs or higher. In addition you must have at least 5,000 in Group Qualifying Volume (GQV).

Ruby Ambassador (RA) To achieve the Rank of Ruby Ambassador you must be a qualified Sapphire Ambassador, maintain 150 CQV monthly and have 2 Sapphire Ambassador legs or higher. In addition you must have at least 15,000 in Group Qualifying Volume (GQV).

Emerald Ambassador (EA) To achieve the Rank of Emerald Ambassador you must be a qualified Ruby Ambassador, maintain 150 CQV monthly and have 4 Sapphire Ambassador legs or higher. In addition you must have at least 50,000 in Group Qualifying Volume (GQV), with no more than 60% from any one leg.

Diamond Ambassador (DA) To achieve the Rank of Diamond Ambassador you must be a qualified Emerald Ambassador, maintain 150 CQV monthly and have 7 Sapphire Ambassador legs or higher. In addition you must have at least 150,000 in Group Qualifying Volume (GQV), with no more than 60% from any one leg.

Blue Diamond Ambassador (BLUDA) To achieve the Rank of Blue Diamond Ambassador you must be a qualified Diamond Ambassador, maintain 150 CQV monthly and have 7 Sapphire Ambassador legs, 2 of which must be Diamond Ambassador or higher. In addition you must have at least 500,000 in Group Qualifying Volume (GQV), with no more than 60% in one leg.

Black Diamond Ambassador (BLKDA) To achieve the Rank of Black Diamond Ambassador you must be a qualified Blue Diamond Ambassador, maintain 150 CQV monthly and have 7 Sapphire Ambassador legs, 4 of which must be Diamond Ambassador or higher. In addition you must have at least 1,500,000 in Group Qualifying Volume (GQV), with no more than 60% from any one leg.

IBA’s have 60 days from enrollment to enroll a new IBA or customer. Failure to do so will cause the IBA to have their rank changed  to Preferred Customer. Enrolling an IBA or customer after the change to Preferred Customer will result in regaining IBA status.

There is an annual renewal fee charged to IBA’s for web services. Failure to renew will result in having rank changed to Preferred  Customer. Paying the renewal fee will result in regaining IBA status.


Retail Customers and Preferred Customers are associated with their enrolling IBA. Retail and Preferred Customers cannot sign-up IBA’s.

Qualifying Volume (QV) from Retail and Preferred Customers will count towards the enrolling IBA’s personal volume requirements.

Retail Customer (RC) No requirements. Retail customers shop from their enrollers cart and pay retail pricing.

Preferred Customer (PC) To achieve and maintain Preferred Customer status a PC must place an initial order of at least $50 and have an autoship profile of any amount on file.

Bonuses and Commissions

Below are the 14 bonuses and commissions you must know

1. Retail/Preferred Commission (Weekly) Independent Business Ambassadors and higher earn Retail/Preferred Customer commissions from sales to both Preferred and Retail customers. Bonuses are 90% of the difference between Retail/ Preferred pricing and wholesale pricing.

2. Personal & Retail/Preferred Customer Bonus (Monthly) Independent Business Ambassador or higher earn an extra Personal & Retail/Preferred Customer bonus when total personal and customer orders are over 150 BV in a single month. This bonus is paid on all BV exceeding 150 BV.

3. Fast Start Bonus (Weekly) Independent Business Ambassador or higher earn Fast Start Bonuses of $50 or $100 on Paradise Pack sales made by their personally enrolled Ambassadors and their personally enrolled Retail/Preferred Customers
4. 2x2 Team Bonus (Weekly) To earn the 2x2 Team Bonus an IBA must meet these requirements in the Qualification Period:
A) Must be an Independent Business Ambassador (Active) or higher
B) Must be Paradise Qualified (PQ). Only Paradise Qualified IBA’s or customers will have a position in the 2x2 Team. IBA’s or customers that are not Paradise Qualified (PQ) will be placed into the 2x2 Team only when they become Paradise Qualified (PQ). Any Paradise Qualified (PQ) IBA or customer an unqualified IBA enrolls will go into their enroller’s 2x2 Team.
C) Must be Paradise Commission Qualified (PCQ). Bonuses earned that do not pay out because the IBA is not PCQ will accrue for 6 months from the date the bonus is earned. If the IBA becomes PCQ the accrued bonus will pay out in the next weekly bonus run. If the IBA does not become PCQ within 6 months the bonus will not be paid.
The Team Bonus pays out upon completion of a 2x2 Team. Payouts consist of a one-time $100 bonus for a complete 2x2 Team. Upon completion of a 2x2 the IBA will start a new 2x2 Team in the highest available position in their Team genealogy.
Coding Bonus (Weekly) Coral Ambassadors and higher can earn Coding Bonuses on Paradise Pack Qualified Ambassadors and Customers in their organizations. Coding Bonuses are paid to unlimited levels. To earn the Coding Bonus an IBA must meet the following requirements in the Qualification Period:
A) Must be an Independent Business Ambassador (Active) or higher
B) Must be Paradise Pack Qualified (PQ)
7. 50% Matching Coded Bonus (Weekly) Coral Ambassadors and higher can earn 50% Matching Coded Bonuses each time an personally enrolled Ambassador earns a Coded Bonus. To earn the 50% Matching Coding Bonus an IBA must meet the following requirements in the Qualification Period:
A) Must be an Independent Business Ambassador (Active) or higher
B) Must be Paradise Pack Qualified (PQ)
8. Unilevel Commission (Monthly) The Unilevel Commission pays IBA (Active) or higher on Bonus Volume (BV) up to five (5) levels of the Unilevel Tree. 
9. Leadership Infinity Commission (Monthly) Sapphire Ambassadors or higher can earn Leadership Infinity Commission. The Leadership Infinity Commission pays a percentage on BV up to infinite levels of the Unilevel Tree. The bonus begins on the 1st level and continues downward until an Ambassador with equal or greater rank is met. This Ambassador cuts off the bonus. If an Ambassador is met that also qualifies for the Leadership Infinity Commission but is a lesser rank the higher ranked Ambassador will continue to earn the difference between the 2 payout percentages until another Ambassador is met that cuts off the bonus. 
10. Generational Commission (Monthly) There are 2 Generational Commission types: Sapphire Ambassador and Diamond Ambassador:
Sapphire Generational Commission: Sapphire Ambassadors or higher earn the Generational Commission. This bonus begins on Level 6. The Generational Commission pays Ambassadors a percentage on the BV through 2 generations of Sapphire Ambassadors. This “Generation” includes every Ambassador in the Unilevel Tree down to and including the first Sapphire Ambassador or higher. An Ambassador’s 1st Generation Sapphire Ambassador would be the first Ambassador in their downline with a rank of Sapphire Ambassador or higher. A 2nd Generation Sapphire Ambassador would be the next downline Ambassador below the 1st Generation Sapphire Ambassador who also has a rank of Sapphire Ambassador or higher.  
11. Paradise Pack Override (Monthly)
The Paradise Pack Override pays Blue Diamond Ambassador’s and above on ALL Paradise Pack sales in their organization based on the below table. 

12. Car Bonus (Monthly)
Paradise Qualified (PQ) Ruby Ambassadors or higher qualify to earn car bonuses. Must qualify for 2 consecutive months (Qualify in January and February and payout in March during February pay run.) 
13. Global Pool Shares (Monthly)
Pool Total = 1% of monthly BV. To earn on the Bonus Pool an IBA must meet the following requirements in the qualification period:
• Must be a Paid As Blue

Diamond Ambassador or higher

• Must be Paradise Pack Qualified

• Must Qualify for 3 consecutive months (Qualify in January, February and March payout on April 15 for March pay run)

Blue Diamond Ambassador ‘s and Black Diamond Ambassador’s receive 1 share of the pool.
Pool Cap = No one IBA can earn more than 33% of the pool total.
The pool total is divided in half. The first half is divided equally among the qualified IBA’s.
The second half of the pool is divided according to the qualifying IBA’s group volume.
Group Volume Unencumbered volume will count 100%. Encumbered volume will count 50%. (Encumbered = A pool qualified IBA having a pool qualified IBA anywhere in their organization. Any volume under the second IBA will calculate at 50%.)
14. Recognition Gifts
Recognition Gifts are received when an ambassador achieves the Rank of Ruby Ambassador or higher for two consecutive months. These gifts are earned one-time and are often given at National Conventions.  

How To Join Wakaya Perfection  TO MAKE YOUR $1,000 AND BEYOND
To join Wakaya Perfection is FRRE, you can follow these steps below:

CLICK HERE to join OUR TEAM to receive more FREE INFORMATION and get help.

How do I get started?

      If you’ve fallen in love with Wakaya and the products of Wakaya Perfection, or if you’re looking for a way to bring a little bit of paradise to your own life, we invite you to become a Wakaya Perfection Customer or Ambassador. We’re confident that you’ll be glad you did.


As an Independent Ambassador, you'll receive access to tools, training and support to assist you in sharing Wakaya Perfection message with others. JOIN HERE 

Become a customer and enjoy convenient online ordering at any time. Or become a Preferred Customer by setting up a monthly Autoship order and enjoy preferred pricing.

Timothy Denning

Tel: 9707123199


Thanks for taking time to read this Review on Wakaya Perfection.

Wakaya Perfection Review – Make Over 1,000 Monthly From Wakaya Perfection Wakaya Perfection Review – Make Over 1,000 Monthly From Wakaya Perfection Reviewed by TOLAKORE on 12:29:00 PM Rating: 5

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